During January, a young scientific researcher, Mia Trentin, from the Cyprus Institute (STARC) attended PIN in Prato, Italy for a week in order to learn to use CIDOC CRM as a specific descriptive metadata model for graffiti. Mia’s area of study is Medieval and modern graffiti which is a sub-field of epigraphy. The study of graffiti is a relatively young discipline and the subject matter consists of many different forms (texts, symbols and pictorial) so that a common methodology has not yet been developed. Consequently, Mia was keen to use CIDOC CRM as this is commonly used in the archaeological community and will enable a representation of her graffiti knowledge to be understood and shared. After spending her first day learning about CIDOC CRM, Mia was able to work on the definition of an ontological representation with the support of Achille Felicetti and colleagues. Furthermore, Mia commented that her access visit had also enabled her to better clarify and define aspects of her research that she had not addressed.