The first set of ‘finds’ data from DIME, Denmark, was uploaded at the start of 2022 and since then four more major datasets have been added:
- AIS CR via ARUP (Czech Republic)
- PAS (England and Wales) via ADS (Archaeology Data Service)
- PAN (The Netherlands) via DANS
- SuALT/FindSampo (Finland).
Some examples of finds are shown in the image above.
These seemingly random finds are contributing to new research such as the identification of new sites related to finds. In the example below, known Saxon cemeteries are shown for the specified period within a defined area of East Lincolnshire. On the right had side, using the same area and time period, finds of Saxon brooches are shown, some of which may belong to previously undiscovered cemeteries.

Known Saxon cemeteries (left) and brooch finds (right)
In addition, artefact data have also been included in datasets from THANADOS (graves and burials in Austria), from Argentina (IDACOR) and Spain now bringing the total to over half a million individual objects in the Catalogue. In the case of THANADOS, it is possible to explore the data from any one of four levels, i.e. the site, the grave, the burials and finally the grave goods by using the properties ‘Resource is a part of’…’ and/or ‘Resource has…’ as appropriate.