The ARIADNEplus project has developed online tools to assist archaeologists who want to (or are obliged to) make a Data Management Plan (DMP):
- a protocol for Archaeological Data Management, a standard Data Management Plan (DMP) for archaeological research based on the principle of “comply or explain”.
- a DMP template for archaeologists, based on the Horizon Europe requirements.
- a DMP Researcher Template for archaeological datasets, compliant with the Horizon 2020 requirements.
- a guidance document for Archaeological Data Management with lots of recommendations and good practices.
The workshop aims to introduce the tools to archaeologists and data professionals, provide the opportunity to try them out, and collect feedback on their functionality and usability.
Using the Data Management Tools for Archaeologists
Presentation of the Data Management Plan tool by Paola Ronzino
Overview and links to the tools
Related articles
Tooling for FAIR Data Management Plans, Guntram Geser, Salzburg Research Institute, Austria

- Peter Doorn (Senior Researcher, DANS, Netherlands)
- Hella Hollander (Manager Data Station Archaeology, DANS, Netherlands)
- Paola Ronzino (Senior Researcher, Project Manager of ARIADNEplus, PIN, Italy)
Preliminary programme
15:30 – 15:35 | Welcome by the chair, Ellen Leenarts
15:35 – 15:45 | Brief introduction on the ARIADNEplus project by Hella Hollander
15:45 – 16:15 | Data Management Tools for Archaeologists:
- Protocol for Archaeological Data Management and the Science Europe Guidelines (by Peter Doorn)
- ARIADNEplus DMP Researcher Template for Archaeological Datasets (by Paola Ronzino)
- New Data Management Requirements for Data Management in the Horizon Europe Program and a New Template for Archaeologists (by Paola Ronzino)
- Guidance, good practices and reference materials (by Peter Doorn)
16:15 – 16:45 | Trying the tools by the audience (in two breakout groups):
- Group A: Archaeological Data Protocol
- Group B: Data Management Plan template for Horizon Europe
16:45 – 17:00 | Feedback from the tool trials, wrap-up and follow-up
Target audience
- Archaeological researchers (e.g. CAA)
- ARIADNE community
- SEADDA community
- Data managers and Data management support
- Everyone interested in Open Science and FAIR research data