The 2nd Steering Committee meeting and first General Assembly was held at the University of Bern on Tuesday 3rd September prior to the EAA Conference. The meetings focussed on the activities since the kick-off meeting in February and several WP Leaders provided overviews of the work undertaken to date. Notable achievements  included publication of the new ARIADNE Impact booklet containing  13 papers from CAA meeting held in April by Archaeolingua, the first release of the AO-CAT data catalogue (ADS data is currently being used to test the mapping) and the User Requirement survey having received several hundred responses (the report being due at the end of October). The new release of the ARIADNE Portal will be completed by the end of the year. The data model has been revised to take account of the lessons learnt from the original project, i.e. including just the properties that actually get used. The ARIADNE data model has also been aligned with the PARTHENOS Entity Model which allows for greater flexibility and can be adapted to accommodate the (meta)data as it is collected. The next data mapping workshop will take place in Pisa on the 23rd-24th September and several partners are participating in a ARIADNEplus workshop being held at CHNT in Vienna in November.