The Bled Strategic Forum online event, held online  from 19 to 23 April 2021. Petra Žagar from Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Science Directorate introduced the existing projects in which partners from Slovenia cooperate with partners from the Latin American and Caribbean (Third Latin American and Caribbean Days international conference (LAC Days) as shown in the accompanying image. ARIADNEplus was represented by Benjamin Štular from ZRC-SABU who explained the background behind the project and how it also provides access to other infrastructure initiatives such as SSHOC, E-RIHS and the European Science Cloud. Making data FAIR is a key objective as well as expanding the type and quantity of archaeological data in the Portal. The Argentinian partner, IDACOR (Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba) uses ARCHES for their data, as does ZRC-SABU and so the two partners have shared their experience and worked together to prepare their data for inclusion into the Portal.

The ARIADNEplus presentation, Connecting the Past to Open up the Future, (along with the others) can be seen on YouTube (39:50 onwards) at: