Organiser: PIN Scrl.
Venue: Prato, Tuscany, Italy.
Date: Monday 20th – Friday 24th June 2022
Description of the TNA offered
The goal of this week-long Summer School is to enable researchers and professionals to map their datasets to the CIDOC CRM standard, an exercise required to integrate them into a wider framework such as the ARIADNE Infrastructure. The transnational access to PIN’s facilities will provide a summary background of CIDOC CRM, showing some case studies and some frequently used templates (e.g. for chronology, authorship, locations, etc.). The remaining time will be dedicated to developing the mappings of students’ case studies, which they will carry out under the supervision of specialists.
Students are advised to book recommended accommodation in Prato, a historic Italian town. The Prato Porto al Serraglio train station is located in front of the PIN building and offers frequent services into Florence and other nearby towns of interest.
Two of the five days are dedicated to practical exercises, focused on the implementation of the mappings for the case studies proposed by students and carried out under the supervision of the specialists. A specific set of tools, including the CIDOC CRM 3M Mapping Tool developed at FORTH, are also provided to the students in order to simplify the conceptual understanding of the various mapping matches and to speed up the mapping operations. They will use the same tools in their future activity, also beyond the specific purposes of the summer school, to extend their mappings for their interoperability needs.
Monday – Introduction to CIDOC CRM, how it is used for archaeological data illustrated by case studies which will include an overview of ARIADNEplus and of the dedicated Application Profiles that the project has developed to model data of specific archaeological sub-domains.
Tuesday – More detailed applications of CIDOC CRM with examples and exercises.
Wednesday – Break-out groups to discuss each project and start working on solutions.
Thursday – Continue to work on individual projects with support from experts. Afternoon session on some key feedback.
Friday – Presentation of individual projects and how the knowledge gained will be used to achieve the objectives of each student. Wrap up of techniques learnt.
General knowledge of CIDOC CRM.
How to apply for a place on this Summer School.